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Simone Myrie  enjoy writing and researching topical issues about my country and the world at large. she believe in honesty and representativeness. As a prospective she obliged to uphold the tenets of democracy by ensuring that whatever she publish is of public interest and that all echelons in society are distinctly represented.


Simone Myrie is rebel at heart and very conscientious; nothing slips pass these eyes without inquiry. Apart from that she is a very sociable individual... believe her work should inspire and motivate her fans to exceed others' expectations of themselves.


Simone Myrie is   a proud Jamaican who has a great passion for her rich culture especially our melodious reggae Simone Myrie always elated to see my fellow countrymen excel on the world stage and she aspire to become one of the many successful and influential Young Lady born and bred in Jamaica who have methodically impacted in the region.


Hope you enjoy her new collection "ROOT&CULTURE".


Her motto : I am a Jamaican and I am proud to be a Jamaican, it is who I am, the very essence of my being is Jamaican and I will die a Jamaican. It is not my Jamaican passport that makes me a Jamaican and as such acquiring another countries passport cannot take my Jamaicanness away from me. No matter where I am in the world or what other passports I may have acquired, I will still be a Jamaican and NOTHING AND NO BODY can take that away from me ~Simone Myrie

                                                                            © 2014 copyright  Roots & Culture By Simone Myrie  

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